Type And Aspect Of Curriculum Evaluation

Formative and summative evaluation

1. Formative Evaluation

It occurs during the course of curriculum development. Its purpose is to contribute to the improvement of the educational program. The merits of a program are evaluated during the process of its development.
The evaluation results provide information to the program developers and enable them to correct flaws detected in the

2. Summative Evaluation

. In summative evaluation, the final effects of a curriculum are evaluated on the basis of its
stated objectives. It takes place after the curriculum has been fully developed and put into operations.

Pre/Post testing-

Pre-test/post-test evaluation is one of three assessment tools that is strongly recommended. test/post-test evaluation is an assessment tool that is administered before and after the implementation of curriculum.

The pre test is a set of question given to participants'/sample Population before the implementation of curriculum in order to determine their knowledge level of the course content. After the execution of curriculum participants' are given a post-test to answer the same set of question or question with comparable difficulty.
Comparing participants' pre-test score to their post-test score enable us to find the effectiveness of curriculum and extent of achievement of Educational objective. 

Criterion referenced and Non- evaluation. (CRT & NRT)

criterion referenced evaluation:

While evaluating the curriculum, in a sample population, when educational objective and effectiveness of curriculum is assessed by comparing the scores of population with the standard score or pre-determined score then this type of evaluation is called Criterion Reference Evaluation.

Non-referenced evaluation

.While evaluating the curriculum, in a sample population, when educational objective and effectiveness of curriculum is assessed by comparing the scores of population with each others score/ relative to each other, then it is called Non Referenced evaluation.


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