Education As Sub-system of Society
Concept of education
the word "Education" is derived from the Latin words
"educare" and "educere". Educare refers to "to bring
up' or "to nourish", whereas the word 'educere" means to
"to bring forth" or "to drag out".
Hence, education refers to something that brings up or out
what is hidden inside of a man
As Vivekananda said "education is the manifestation
of divine perfection already existing in man"
According to the Upanishad "education is that used
in product is salvation"
Education as a sub-system of society
Education itself is a system as well as a subsystem of
3.1 Education as a system
Education is a system itself. Its units are Teachers,
Universities, Collages, Boards, Educational Bodies like UGC, NTA, IGNOU, NCERT,
SCERT, Education Ministry etc. each of these units have different Functions
such as Education ministry and UGC make Policies related to education, NTA
conduct Various Exams in education, NCERT provide resources and conduct
researches for education, Boards are the executive in education etc but all of
their action are directed towards a common goal of education i.e., Quality
Education to every citizen in need.
3.2 Education as a Sub-system of Society
Within a society, education works as a sub system. It
functions towards helping the society to attain its goal. It helps other sub
systems and alter them towards attainment of social goals.
The characteristics of education as a social sub system are as follows:
- Education transfer norms and values of Society from generation to generation.
- It builds Social Individualism. That means, helps person to develop norms, values, knowledge and understanding to make him/her responsible and effective in Society.
- Education helps to Mould Society in desired direction.
- It helps in understanding how different system in society work coordinately.
- Educational Institutions such as school and collages provide opportunity for meeting man’s need to pass on the desirable characteristic of his culture.
- Education helps to develops skills and abilities in individuals that help in solving various problems of society.
- Education Transmit, Preserve and Enrich Culture of Society.
Characteristics and Nature of education
Education is Purposive: All Educational
Activities are pre-planned and are directed towards achievement of goal.
Education is Continuous: Education is
Life long process. It never stops. As Lodge Said “Education is Life and life
is Education”
Education is a process as well as product:
Education is process that undergoes step by step as well as product of this
Education is development: Education
modifies behaviour of a Chid and develop characters as expected by society.
Education is planned
Education is complex activity: education
is complex activity depending upon other social institutions such as politics,
economics, etc. it also depends upon various characteristics of learner i.e.,
individual difference of learner make it complex.
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